Adjust Everywhere Adjust Everwhere | Page 28

Adjust Everywhere 19 The Magic of Counter-Pulley
You should not express your viewpoint first . You should ask , “ What do you have to say in this matter ?’ If the other person holds on to [ his viewpoint ], then ‘ we ’ let go of ‘ ours ’. All you need to take care of is , “ In what way will the other person not get hurt ?” Do not impose your opinion onto the other person . You should accept the other person ’ s opinion . ‘ We ’ have accepted everyone ’ s opinion and become a Gnani . If I were to impose my opinion onto anyone , then I , myself , would fall short . No one should be hurt by your opinion .
If your ‘ revolutions ’ are at 1800 , and the other person ’ s ‘ revolutions ’ are at 600 , and if you impose your opinion onto him , then his ‘ engine ’ will break down . Then all his ‘ gears ’ will have to be replaced .
Questioner : What is meant by ‘ revolution ’?
Dadashri : It is the speed of thinking ; it is different for every individual . If something has happened , then in just one minute it can show you so many things ; it shows you all its phases at a time . All these great presidents have 1,200 revolutions running per minute ; compared to that of ‘ ours ’, which are running at 5,000 , while Lord Mahavir was running at 100,000 revolutions !
What is the reason divisiveness due to differences of opinions arises ? Your wife has 100 revolutions , while yours are at 500 ; and you do not know how to apply a ‘ counterpulley ,’ so sparks fly , quarrels arise . Hey ! Many times the engine even breaks down . Did you understand the meaning of ‘ revolution ’? Therefore , when you speak to laborers , your point does not get through to them . Their revolutions are at 50 , and yours are at 500 . Some people have 1,000 , and some even have 1,200 . Depending on their development ,