Adjust Everywhere Adjust Everwhere | Page 16

Adjust Everywhere 7 things will spoil. In fact, on that very day, she would be the one saying to you, “You should go quickly.” She would even come to the garage to see you off. It is due to one’s intent-based imagination that everything spoils. That is the reason it has been written in a book that, ‘Where there is a will, there is a way.’ If you follow this much, then it is more than enough. Will you follow this? Questioner: Yes. Dadashri: Well then, give me a promise. Great! Great! This is called courage, you promised! Adjustment During Mealtimes One is considered as having [ideal] worldly interactions when he adjusts everywhere! The time has now come for development. So, do not have divisiveness due to difference of opinion. That is the reason I have given people the phrase, ‘Adjust Everywhere!’ Adjust! Adjust! Adjust! If the yogurt soup turns out to be salty, then understand that Dada has said to make an adjustment; so go ahead and drink a little bit of the yogurt soup. Yes, and if you happen to desire a bit of pickle, then go ahead and say, “Bring some pickle.” But do not quarrel. There should be no quarrelling in the home. If at times one is placed in difficulty, and if he makes an adjustment himself, then worldly life will become beautiful. Even if You Don’t Like It, Accept It Even if someone tries to disadjust with you, you should adjust with him. In day-to-day life, if there are dis- adjustments between a mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, or between a younger sister-in-law and older sister-in law, then the one who wants to become free from the cycle of worldly life should undoubtedly adjust. Even between a