Addiction Treatment on Long Island Illinois Addiction Resources

Being a Heroin Addict in Chicago It’s not easy being a heroin addict in Chicago as the streets are flooded with high purity heroin that’s often cut with fentanyl. The day I walked up the heroin highway between Kane County and Chicago, wasn’t the first time I waited there for the dealer to arrive so I could get my early March morning fix. It wasn’t going to be the first time I suffered from debilitating heroin withdrawals. Cold sweats, severe anxiety, muscle pain and vomited in my car on the way there. It also wasn’t the first time I had to con my mother for money the night before, so I could get ‘well’ the next morning. Unfortunately, this day was not the last day of my heroin addiction, but what happened on that day led me to the doorstep of drug rehab in Illinoisthat I am now forever grateful for that I went. Heroin in Chicago is Everywhere Once I shot up and was relieved of my physical sickness, I started my usual routine. This routine, I now know is totally common for all junkies, and that is that it involves committing crimes to get money for more heroin, so I could avoid the withdrawal for another day. For myself, I preferred to shoplift and resell the items at a pawn shop. However, what was different on that day, was, I saw on Facebook a post about someone who I knew from the streets who had gone to treatment and relapsed. I had seen him right before he went to treatment, and although he tried to get clean, he had returned to the exact junkie he was before, which was a mess like me, but now he was dead.