ACUTA Journal Volume 21, Number 1 | Page 12

Common Cloud Service Pricing Models
concept of a faculty ’ s “ office hours .” WebRTC allows real-time data to be integrated quickly into applications and websites . WebRTC is transforming the idea of purchasing a limited hardware-based telecom system into the idea of investing in creating your organization ’ s personalized telecommunicationenabled cloud API-based service platform . The new capabilities of this system can evolve all manner of interactions in terms of efficiency , location , and impact .
Cloudification of ICT Services ICT organizations need to progressively embrace the paradigm shift from owning and managing premises-based technology services to operating as a technology broker on behalf of their customers to research and broker the most optimal services required to support their business activities . Migration to cloud will not be a wholesale immediate change , but nevertheless represents a sea change in the way services are acquired , implemented , managed , and invoiced . ICT organizations that have failed to get out in front and lead this inevitable transition are finding themselves mitigating the unplanned financial implications and security vulnerabilities resulting from disorganized “ shadow IT ” operations . The diagram in Figure 2 illustrates and summarizes how the cloudification of ICT services is ushering in new opportunities for ICT managers to enhance their value proposition by helping organizations acquire the most cost-effective services and ensuring that they pay only for the services they use .
Governmental Driven Changes - FCC 2020 All-IP Network & Net Neutrality There are two key federal government initiatives that play a critical role in this ICT revolution . The time frame and constructs of the FCC 2020 Ruling are well-defined , locked , and loaded . The FCC 2020 Ruling sets the requirements and date to replace all legacy TDM voice services with universal digital IP networks . There are also derivative elements that promote the connection of 100 million broadband users , restricting the wireless spectrum for broadband and restructuring the FCC Universal Service Fund to subsidize the transition . Every commercial telecommunication provider has been working on its transition for several years . Enterprise ICT managers need to be executing their respective portions of this transition to ensure they are not caught in an unfortunate reactive position as we approach 2020 .
On the other hand , the results of the 2016 presidential election will inevitably alter or at least severely weaken the FCC 2015 ruling on Net Neutrality . The House has already passed a “ No Rate Regulation of Broadband Internet Access Act ..”
Figure 2 . Fundamental economic shifts

Common Cloud Service Pricing Models

1 . Dedicated = Exclusive committed use of infrastructure for a single customer
• Applications – Compliance , Security , Known sustainable usage requirements
2 . Open Capacity = Continuous “ eBay type open bidding ” for unused capacity
• Applications – Transient workloads that are not time insensitive
Committed Expenses
Cost Per Unit of Usage
3 . Reserved = Temporary commitments for future utilization
• Applications – Procurement hedge for potential known periodic spikes like end-of- month cycles
4 . On-Demand = Pay as you go with no commitments
• Applications – Variable workloads that require assurance of availability
ICT organizations should provide detailed insight into actual consumption to optimize procurement opportunities on behalf of entire organization
12 Winter 2017 ACUTA Journal