Access All Areas September 2018 | Page 54

SEPTEMBER | ME, MYSELF & I The future of business has totally changed. We rebranded our Millennial 2020 event to be called FUTR. It’s not about millennials, but it’s about a millennial attitude. Everyone’s trying to understand digital disruption, and get in the mindset of today and tomorrow’s consumer, and that helped the event resonate from day one, allowing us to attract experiential brand presences from the world’s biggest companies. Simon Berger As consumer and business audience demands blur, IM2 Group CEO Simon Berger talks festivals, mental health, and why experience is king The content sells itself. The biggest consultancies and organisations in the world have something in common: they are all talking about the future of business. We worked with the biggest brand on the planet, Facebook, from the beginning, and Salesforce, Pepsico and many more are on board. But our media partners are talking about the future too. You’ll find Forbes, CNBC, The Economist and the Wall Street Journal to name a few. Understanding the visitor is the key to any event. We call FUTR a ‘summit’, but it has all the elements of being a festival, an exhibition and a conference. The venue is always a key part of our event experience. Wherever the event takes place (including Singapore, New York and London) we want it to be central, so people can get there, but it must have fabulous food, no concessions. The lighting must be lovely, and the internet must be fantastic. You also have to get the heating right because this is about creating a home away from home that people actually want to spend a few days at. Do we really have to settle for being in a concrete bunker? To grow your event you sometimes have to use the bigger venues, but nowadays you need a bit of sexiness too. Curate the floorplan for the 54 building. Don’t just stack it high and get bad food. The world is experiential now. There’s reciprocity of learnings across many industries, and the way business leaders address audiences has changed dramatically. One CEO wore a suit to the event, but decided to change into skinny jeans when he got here. We want our visitors to ask the punchiest questions. As a CEO, you can answer these in a certain way, but you’ll be laughed at if you don’t answer. Honesty and transparency are a strong currency. We launched Mad World, an event about mental health, an issue that effects every human being on the planet. Lack of sleep, grieving, illness etc all contribute. It’s a huge stigma, and an event such as this is a great place to address it. Awareness is becoming massive now for this issue. Prince Harry, Theresa May and other prominent figures are talking about it. The entire UK construction industry had four deaths last year, but the same industry in the same year had 430 suicides. That was a wake up call for me. Those who talk to their company need the right empathy from employers. Everyone needs simple first aid training on mental health. We live in a mad world, politically, in terms of fear and stress levels, and it’s getting worse. It’s all about the visitor now, if we can please them, we know it’s got legs. If you know who’s coming, it’s very easy to get the content right. Personalise your content to the event. All you can promise is the right quality and quantity of footfall.