Accelerate Nov 2015 | Page 4

Contents Engagement 41 Technology has put instant knowledge and know-how in the hands of the learner. This has changed everything for L&D. By David James. In most organisations, how effective is the teamwork? If we are brutally honest, it could use some help. Coaching — TERRENCE SEAMON 34 How Gamification Can Transform Employee Engagement Andy Fanning identifies what gamification is and is not and shares prerequisites for gamification success. By Laurence Karal. Learning and Development 38 The Empowered Learner 41 Why HR Should Really Learn to Coach Who better to be that coach than HR? By Terrence H Seamon. Mentoring Strategy 46 Tom Asacker: How HR Can 44 Mentoring: At the crossroads Become a More Strategic of education, business and Thinker and Leader Analysing your efforts, communicating community How is business engaged in mentoring? A 3M case study. powerfully and pivoting as needed. By Rowena Morais.