ACC 401 ASSIST Education Terms/ ACC 401 ASSIST Education Terms/ | Page 23

14.A corporation may make a distribution to its shareholders. Depending on the circumstances, in the hands of the shareholder, the distribution can be classified as a dividend, a tax-free distribution, or a capital gain. Explain the circumstances in which each classification can occur. 16.What is Schedule M-1, and what is its purpose? =================================================== ACC 401 Week 5 Final Paper Assignment (UOP) FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT Q:Appendix A Please use this information for your Tax Return and Paper. *All people, businesses, and information are fictional. Any relation to an actual person or business is accidental. Harold Petersan SSN: 0XX-01-1XXX Date of Birth (DOB): 05/27/1975 Gross Pay: $51,750 401(k) contributions: $4,140 Healthcare costs (payroll deductions): $1347 Reported wages: $46,263 Social Security Wages: $50,403