ACAMS Today Magazine (September-November 2017) Vol. 16 No. 4 | Page 85

( 三 ) 產品洗錢風險評估是必要手段
銀行必須評估各類產品的洗錢風險 , 明確不同產品的管控 措施是否得當 、 固有風險有無得到控制 。 因此 , 銀行要將洗錢風 險評估納入在產品管理體系中 , 建立產品風險熱圖 , 定期結合業 務情況重審 、 調整評估結論 。 當同業或銀行發現某一產品容易被 利用于洗錢 , 或者控制措施未達到預期目標 , 應當及時啟動觸發 式評估 , 調整產品風險等級 , 優化管控措施 , 進而決定是否停 辦該產品 。 目前 , 銀行在產品風險評估及管理實踐中遇到的主要 問題 : 一是如何準確計算產品風險 , 現有銀行的產品分類 、 財務 覈算等方法有些地方不適用於反洗錢評估 , 產品效益 、 客戶群等 許多數據無法直接取得 、 分析 ; 二是何時以何標準啟動觸發式評 估 。 這些都涉及銀行管理機制的調整與優化 。
( 四 ) 先進資訊技術不可或缺
隨著 “ 風險為本 ” 管理深入 , 反洗錢系統功能必須強大 , 這不 僅是人工成本投入的考慮 , 更是提高分析監控準確性的要求 , 對 於客戶群 、 日常交易規模大的銀行尤其重要 。 無論是可疑交易案 例精准度的提高 , 制裁名單過濾誤中率的減少 , 還是客戶盡職調 查 、 交易限制等對於業務流程的參與 , 早已是人工憑著經驗 、 記 憶無法實現的 , 要提高風控能力需要更加離不開系統支持 。 僅僅 “ 黑名單 ” 篩查也已從制裁名單和政要人士 , 擴大至各類負面信息 、 船舶與港口 、 軍民物資清單等海量資訊處理 。 隨著近年來大數據 不斷推廣應用 , 各種信息服務商 、 互聯網平臺相應而生 , 讓迅速 處理海量資訊 、 抓取有價值的信息成為可能 。 資訊技術是銀行真 正意義地建立并運行 “ 風險為本 ” 合規管理機制不可或缺的工具 。
在國際經濟交流頻繁 、 資金全球即時互通的新時期 , 洗錢模 式層出不窮 , 強化反洗錢管理已成為監管和銀行的共識 。 銀行想 要強化反洗錢管控 , 就必須將 “ 風險為本 ” 原則扎扎實實地嵌入到 經營管理之中 , 融匯到員工意識之中 。 product is prone to be exploited for money laundering or control measures have failed to live up to their expectation , banks should initiate a triggering assessment to adjust product risk levels and to optimize control measures in order to decide whether or not to suspend a product . At present , major problems encountered by banks in terms of the realization of product risk assessment and management are the following :
1 . How can banks accurately calculate product risks ? Some of banks ’ existing methods for product categorization and financial accounting are partly unsuitable for AML assessment . For example , many figures such as product effectiveness and customer bases cannot be directly accessed and analyzed .
2 . When and based on what criteria should banks decide to initiate the triggering assessment ?
These problems involve the adjustment and optimization of banks ’ management mechanisms .
Advanced information technology is a must
As we strengthen “ risk-based ” AML management , the AML system ’ s functions must be robust , which involves not only the consideration for labor cost investment , but also an improvement in accuracy for analysis and control . It is especially important for banks with a large scale of customer bases and daily transactions . No matter if it is about increasing the accuracy of suspicious transaction reports , reducing the rate of missed hits in screening a sanctions list , or a business procedure participation in CDD and transaction restrictions , people armed with only experiences and memories can no longer get the job done . In order to increase risk control capabilities , system support is more and more indispensable . Even the screening for a “ black list ” has expanded from a sanctions list and political dignitaries to big data information processing of various negative news , ships , boats and harbors , as well as military and civilian material checklists . As the application of big data continues to expand in recent years , various information service providers and internet platforms have emerged as a result , making it possible to process big data and capture valuable information . Information technology is an indispensable tool for banks to truly build and enforce a “ risk-based ” compliant management mechanism .
In the new era of frequent international economic exchanges and instantaneous global capital interflow , new money laundering models continue to mushroom . It has become a consensus among regulators and banks to enhance AML management . If a bank wishes to enhance its AML control , it needs to solidly embed the “ risk-based ” principle into its operations and management , while ingraining it into the awareness of its employees .
Zhang Fan , CAMS , vice chairman , Macau Anti-Money Laundering Specialists Association , Bank of China , Macau , zhang _ fan @ bocmacau . com