Academy Journal Volume 58 | Page 14

the academy journal While the changes and challenges presented have seemed daunting at times, we in the library are eager to meet the many new opportunities that arise as Bryn Athyn College and the Swe- denborg Library continue to grow and prosper. BAC Theological School Report The Rev. Andrew M. T. Dibb, Dean of Students mitted. However, circumstances for two of those three, both foreign students, resulted in them de- laying admission to some point in the future. The final student was expected to begin classes in the Fall of 2017. Once again, the Theological School was blessed with generous donors, and remained in the black, with a budgetary surplus at the end of the year. The generosity of the donors is greatly appreciated as it ensures the training ministers will continue into the future. The Theological School would not function without dedicated teachers. I’d like to draw your attention to the excellent faculty: Revs. Grant Odhner, Stephen Cole, Scott Frazier, Brian Keith, Peter Buss, Kurt H. Asplundh, Prescott Rogers, Grant Schnarr, David Lindrooth, and lay teachers: Mary Williams, Erica Hyatt, Kevin Roth, Kay Al- den, and Bergen Junge. Presiding over all of these is Becky Henderson who keeps the school running smoothly. The knowledge and expertise of each of these people are what forms an entering student into a viable minister. T he Theological School had a productive year. The student body is still low, with four stu- dents. Elmo Acton in his fourth year spent the Fall term on his practicum. Because Elmo taught Sophomore Boys in the Boys School, he remained in Bryn Athyn under the supervision of Rev. Eric Carswell. During the course of the year, Elmo was called on to be Assistant to the Pastor of the Oak Arbor Society. He took up that position after graduation. Jeffrey Smith completed his second year. He was recognized as a Candidate for the ministry by Bishop Brian Keith. The year follow- ing Jeffrey is empty, but two students joined the school, both on four-year programs. Christopher Dunn discovered the Church while working in the Advancement Office. David de Boucherville Baissac grew up in the New Church in Mauritius. All four students made excellent progress in their studies, with Elmo Acton graduating in May 2017. During the 2016/17 School Year, seven men dis- cussed or applied to Theological School. Of these four men changed their minds, and three were ad- Commencement Address Delivered by Erin Busby T hank you, President Blair, and welcome to the class of 2017, families and friends. Being back in Bryn Athyn reminds me of my high school days, and I thought about a story that might be apocryphal. But I will tell it the way I remember it. One of my friends had not attended church schools before moving to Bryn Athyn at the beginning of high school. Partway through high school, someone asked her if religion classes were hard because she didn’t have the same back- ground as the other students. She said, “Well, it was intimidating at first, but it got much easier 14