About Magazines Conyers - January 2018 | Page 24

Why Should I Lose Weight? from the American Heart Association People who are overweight or obese are more likely to develop heart disease and stroke, even if they have no other risk factors. Obesity is unhealthy because excess weight puts more strain on your heart. It can raise blood pressure and cholesterol and lead to diabetes. Losing weight is one of the best ways to reduce your risk of heart problems and other diseases. How can I lose weight? It’s easy to start a diet or exercise plan. Staying on one is harder! Prepare yourself by setting goals, thinking ahead to roadblocks along the way, and deciding how to deal them. It’s never wise to follow fad diets, go without eating, or try to lose weight too fast. You will just get frustrated! • Think about your eating habits. Think about ways you can change your daily eating habits. • Be more active. Getting more exercise is good for your heart, and it can help you lose weight. • Decide how to handle temptation. When you’re offered high-calorie foods, turn them down nicely, but firmly. Look up restaurant menus before you go out to eat so you can make a plan that fits in your diet. • Chose other things besides food. If a bad mood, stress or boredom makes you want to eat a lot, decide in advance what action to take. You could take up a new hobby, go for a walk, call a friend or read a book. How should I change my eating habits? • Eat slowly, take smaller portions and avoid having “seconds.” • Eat a few light meals each day instead of one main meal. Don’t skip meals. • Choose a variety of healthy foods like fruit, vegetables, whole-grains, dried peas and beans, low-fat dairy products, fish, skinless poultry, lean meat and nuts. • Cook foods in healthier ways like baking, boiling, broiling, grilling, roasting or stewing. Don’t fry foods in oil. • Read food labels and avoid foods that are high in added sugars, saturated and trans fats, sodium and calories. • Avoid pastries, sugar-sweetened beverages, candy bars, and cakes. • Drink lots of water. • Limit alcohol and other high-calorie drinks. • Be realistic and expect setbacks. If you go off your diet, don’t quit. Just Make some changes and you will find get back on track. 24 a new healthy you in 2018!