Abington High School Student Arts Magazine 2017-2018 | Page 60

The words entered in one ear

and through the other they went.

Ela não entendeu.

A miniscule mistake,

spoke magnitudes.

One in a million,

drew the majority’s opinion.

“Deceptive, the illegals,

they abuse, steal,

and exhibit no regret.”

Their words were como um vento,

invisible, yet they confundiu her.

She would listen, despite this,

it was a sound sem sentido.

They inquired.

The reply she would receive,

was like buying a lottery ticket,

she might come out elated,

with the results.

Or, she might resign distraught,

completely incompreendido.

She would get corrected and rebuked.

This treatment torturou her.

Communicating in a foreign language was demanding.

It required restraint

when she was rejected, mocked,

for her attempt.

She would not disregard this.

Engrained into her memories

it became permanent.

They grew to ignore her,

purely for her seemly indifference.

This brought dor, that never ceased.

It brought upon much tormento.

She struggled, sobbed and she was broken.



Lidia Vidal, 2021

Palavras Perfuraram o Coracao Dela