Abington High School Student Arts Magazine 2017-2018 | Page 55

Mirrors, they are

Calling your name

Like a sea Siren

Wanting your attention

They point out imperfections:

Every scar

Every mark

Every body part

Or maybe they don't

Maybe the mirror is not the enemy

Maybe acceptance is

The biggest contender

Mirrors, they are

Social media


Magazine models

Images used to compare yourself to


Compare the amount of ribs

On your torso or

Examine the amount of space

Between your thighs

Why change enhance features

When they were never supposed to be

Like that in the first place

Mirrors are reflections

Reflections are comparisons

Comparisons become insecurities

Insecurities create self loathing

Pointless hatred for yourself

Deciding to see yourself

Your face

Your body

As a friend

Rather than a foe

See yourself

As beautiful

You are beautiful

You are relevant

You are perfect


Carly Mentis, 2021
