Abington High School Student Arts Magazine 2017-2018 | Page 18


As I walk through the school for the first time in a while

I can feel the stares judging me on my look

And my hairstyle.

“It’s okay” I tell myself

this year won’t be like last

Never again will I be an outcast

Class after class I go

Being where I should be

Hearing people giggle and whisper

Are they talking about me?

I sit at my desk staring, not knowing what to say

I just can’t do this day after day

Another day of school has arrived

Maybe I can talk to someone today

But as I try to open my mouth, I can’t even say “Hey”

I feel as if I can’t speak without being made fun of

All I want is to be is noticed and loved

I just want to be normal

Why can’t I do this?

Every time I try I fall deeper into darkness.

I’ve just given up

I can’t do this anymore

Crying I lock my bedroom door

With a shard of glass in one hand and a phone in the other

I wondered how no one noticed me

Not even my own mother

What should I do? Is this the end?

Is giving up my life worth living without friends?

According to a recent statistic every 7 seconds a child is bullied. In 2012 Massachusetts alone had over 624 students who committed suicide. Nobody deserves to be bullied or teased. Everybody has something special and unique about them, and it’s up to them to show it and embrace it. If you ever see anyone who looks sad, neglected, or depressed just say “Hi” because 1 second of your day or even 1 word can save someone’s life.


Matt Lyons 2021