Abc's: Atomic Bible for Children 2017 SCRIPT | Page 3

SUPER: "WARNING-INCOMING EVENT: DARK ENERGY FLUXDANGER VIRGO CONSTELLATION ORIGINATION POINT’’ DISSOLVE TO: YELLOWSTOME PARK' UNDERGROUND CALDERA -- DAY Scientists at Yellowstone are looking at the pulsating lava bed, underneath the surface. It is starting to fissure. MONTAGE OF CALDERA The huge underground batholith of magma and pressure has caused extensive ripples in the earth. V.O. Many scientists believe the L.U.X. observatory in South Dakota may be perpetrating volcanic activity -- in Yellowstone. CUT TO: INT. THE L.U.X. UNDERGROUND OBSERVATORY IN SOUTH DAKOTA -- DAY Protesters outside hold up signs. SUPER: "I AM BECOM E THE DESTROYER OF ALL WORLDS.' AND 'PLANET GRANITE/UN-(MAN) IT" A student is seen working in the upper chambers of the deep cavern observatory. The French instructor Dr. Raphael, shows the assistant, Enrico, the way the underground observatory is built to attract mysterious energy from space. They are monitoring the dark energy flux from the VIRGO CONSTELLATION. The strange dark matter is dangerously nearing our GALAXY. RAPHAEL This being your first day, Enrico, I get to, how you American's say,' Show you how the ropes.' ENRICO Not 'how' -- just 'the ropes' 26 | P a g e