ABCP Policy | Page 12

III. DEFINITIONS “Ally” – refers to a witness to bullying as described above and who tries to help the target in some way. Research shows that allies are a key to stopping and preventing bullying. “Parent” or “Guardian” - refers to the parent or guardian, of either the bully or victim, or other students involved in the bullying incident, on record with the School. “School” – refers to The Quantum Academy, Inc. “School Personnel” - refers to all TQA staff and employees of the School, regardless of rank or status; whether classified as academic, academic-support, or non-academic; and whether full-time or part-time; and whether probationary, contractual, or regular. “Service Providers” - refers to outsourced personnel of the school, which includes, but is not necessarily limited to, maintenance and security, coaches, trainers, food servers, and drivers and staff of accredited transport or bus services.