AB 219 STUDY Extraordinary Life/ab219study.com AB 219 STUDY Extraordinary Life/ab219study.com | Page 12

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=================================================== AB 219 Quiz 8 FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www . ab219study . com

AB 219 Quiz 8
1 . Question : Indicate whether the statement presented is true or false . A member of a marketing channel that exercises authority and power over the activities of other channel members is a channel agent .
2 . Question : Agents and brokers are intermediaries who do not take title to a product but facilitate its sale from producer to end use by representing retailers , wholesalers , or manufacturers .
3 . Question : Indicate whether the statement presented is true or false . Agents and brokers are wholesaling intermediaries who do not take title to product but facilitate its sale from producer to end user by representing retailers , wholesalers , or manufacturers .
4 . Question : Logistics is the term that refers to the physical distribution of goods from one location to another .
5 . Question : What enables companies to use another manufacturer ’ s already established channels ?
6 . Question : Indicate whether the statement presented is true or false . One of the most critical global supply chain issues for