A Real Desire Magazine September 2015 | Page 4

Carters Corner Photography By: Photosphere Studios side world at all times, but you can control how you respond to them. When the elements of the outside are unable to be controlled you should ensure your personal space is. You’re home which is your sanctuary should always be maintained as your peaceful place. If you cannot relax in your own home, then you will forever be at war. Every warrior needs time to rest and recharge. “What’s In Your Wallet!?” Hello loves. Blessings to you all. I would like to help ease some of your pain with a prayer I often say. I promise if you say it with meaning it will surely brighten your day. Of course when you pray, you should understand what it is you are asking for. Understand the power you can will if you focus. “God grant me the SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change, COURAGE to do the things I can, and WISDOM to know the difference.” Let’s first start with serenity. What does it mean to you to possess it. The word serene means calm, peaceful, and untroubled; tranquil. To have serenity simply means to be in this state with the lack of agitation. Simply focusing on the word alone brings a moment of peace to you, because the word itself forces you to think of positive surroundings. You and only you can control what you allow into your space. You cannot control the elements of the out- Build your endurance by creating a place of serenity. Ask God for serenity and be open and willing to receive it. You will need courage when you finally realize what you need to do to obtain it. You also must possess wisdom to know how to apply what needs to be done. In all actuality you are praying for wisdom, then courage to apply the wisdom gained. Once you make the proper moves serenity is awaiting you as a reward, and this reward is one that no price tag can touch. There is no greater treasure than a peace of mind, and no matter how much you try to buy happiness you can’t. You can have all the money in the world, yet still possess a clouded mind causing you grief and agony. So yes the saying is true “the best things in life are free, and for everything else theres MasterCard” or Visa, Discover, American Express, or cash. Study the prayer, and say it from beginning to end, but understand when applying it it’s from the end to the beginning. Your NEW beginnings. Enjoy it. You deserve it.