A Level English Lang and Lit The Kite Runner | Page 7

Chapter 5

Assef is presented as a neo-nazi follower of fascism in Afghanistan: ironically he has German origins which I find a little racist ( it's like saying that only they believe in the 'pure blood' ideology). Based on the effort Hosseini took presenting this character, it was clear that he will play an important role in the development of the novel however I would never think it would be as crucial as he is a central part to Amir's redemption and betrayals.

Also in this chapter Hosseini writes about the Afghani bloodless coup in mid 70's and the new leader. Although it may not be apparent chapter 5 seems to be one of the most important in the novel as we find there not only the motivations behind Assefs actions but also we are presented with Hosseini's negative perception of the Afghan population, their rigid views and inflexible often traitorous nature.

Themes Emerging

Hassan's and Amir's friendship is described even further. Amir shows his greed and selfishness while Hassan shows clear signs of courage.

However the most important theme of this chapter is racism and clear social divide in Afghanistan represented by the character of Assef. He clearly mentions his favourite book "mein kampf" which can be translated to "My Struggle". It was written by Adolf Hittler during his imprisonment after the failure of Bavarian uprising in the interwar period. In this book, Hitler presents his anti-Semitic views as well as introduces his policy of ethnic cleansing. This principles are clearly adapted by Assef who presents his ideal Afghanistan.