A Level English Lang and Lit The Kite Runner | Page 28


What does this character look like?

Physically he has been cursed with a clef lip, and a foot bent almost impossible out of shape, causing him to slant and swing his whole entire body each time he moves it to take a step.

How could this character's personality be described?

Ironically the most ugly character in the entire books is ironically the most beautiful person of the entire book. And we know this at various points in the book, where he demonstrates hes jovial and loving personality, especially when it comes to disciplining Hassan, which he does so through love and care and human touch, rather then through a stern iron fist, which I believe Hassan and Amir respecting him even more so for it.

In what chapters does this character appear?

He appears very early on in the book, more specifically in chapter two where he is introduced whilst telling Hassan off, but cant maintain his anger, but weakening to his good nature, as he begins to laugh, so early on Hosseini sets Ali's tone as a carefree and happy character.

What are the key events in which this character is involved?

He is a passive character, who does very little to shape the narrative of the book, so with every monumental event he is usually not present.