A JCL Guide For Webmasters, Secretaries, and CoCos July 2018 | Page 17


If you don't know how to do something, don't wing it. Ask for help. Nothing is worse than thinking you can do something then learning it is much more complex than you originally thought. There is nothing wrong with saying that it is harder than you thought. In fact, it is preferred to whatever you do faking it. Do NOT fake till you make it. It probably won't make what you desired.


Have some organizational structure for your website. What order will things appear on the homepage? What order will past things be archived? How will fonts be used? All of the small things make a huge difference.


For html, the internet is a wonderful place. If you need to code something, often you can copy and paste the correct code without having to have everything memorized. Especially for more complex things it is extremely helpful.

Ask perhaps for a timeline on when the needed information would be available. If it's urgent don't be afraid to say so, but also remember that your problems are not necessarily their problems.

