A Field Guide to Tactical Heritage Urbanism Volume 1: October 2016 | Page 20

Section II – Contribution of cultural heritage to society and human development Article 7 – Cultural heritage and dialogue The Parties undertake, through the public authorities and other competent bodies, to: a encourage reflection on the ethics and methods of presentation of the cultural heritage, as well as respect for diversity of interpretations; b establish processes for conciliation to deal equitably with situations where contradictory values are placed on the same cultural heritage by different communities; c develop knowledge of cultural heritage as a resource to facilitate peaceful co-existence by promoting trust and mutual understanding with a view to resolution and prevention of conflicts; d integrate these approaches into all aspects of lifelong education and training. Article 8 – Environment, heritage and quality of life The Parties undertake to utilise all heritage aspects of the cultural environment to: a enrich the processes of economic, political, social and cultural development and land-use planning, resorting to cultural heritage impact assessments and adopting mitigation strategies where necessary; b promote an integrated approach to policies concerning cultural, biological, geological and landscape diversity to achieve a balance between these elements; c reinforce social cohesion by fostering a sense of shared responsibility towards the places in which people live; d promote the objective of quality in contemporary additions to the environment without endangering its cultural values. Article 9 – Sustainable use of the cultural heritage To sustain the cultural heritage, the Parties undertake to: a promote respect for the integrity of the cultural heritage by ensuring that decisions about change include an understanding of the cultural values involved; b define and promote principles for sustainable management, and to encourage maintenance; c ensure that all general technical regulations take account of the specific conservation requirements of cultural heritage; d promote the use of materials, techniques and skills based on tradition, 20