ISSUE № 3, APR 2017 2 Why aren’t you living your Purpose Imagine a world where we each wake up every morning with a burst of energy and joy to begin our day, counting down the minutes to begin our work day with enthusiasm, not just for the money but because we genuinely care about serving our customers and making their lives happier and easier. One where our jobs are rewarding and we still the have the freedom Studioworks Ltd and flexibility to live our dreams and passions out loud, without fear of failure or disappointment. If this is your life great for you! But if not, ask yourself why not? Is it because of time, or obligation, or money? What is the real reason you are not living your dream? Many years ago, I did not even know what my dream was. I was just going through the motions from one day and one year to the next with a vague idea in my head, without any real direction or focus. After my eldest sister encouraged me to sign up for a degree programme, my life improved greatly, as did the quality of my jobs. After a few years of ‘highs’, then came the lows. Despite making enough money to not just only get by, but also live the lifestyle I wanted, I still wasn’t com- pletely happy! Many couldn’t understand why, but I knew the answer deep within my heart and soul. It was because I wasn’t using all of my in- nate gifts to serve others. I tried to improvise within my existing career, but it just wasn’t enough. I wanted more. Whilst I was very grateful for my job, I knew it was time to move on because I had plateaued in my position in that field. It was no longer fun or exciting. After many failed attempts, I finally got my breakthrough one day and it literally changed my life, in more ways than one. My move to another territory and career put me on the path to meet other people and fulfil more of my potential that steered me towards the path to entrepreneurship. Flash forward to 5 years later, I am now living my dream and making more people happy doing what I truly love. This demonstrates that sometimes we are so caught up in our fast paced world of routine and ‘comfort’, that we get brainwashed into thinking that this is all there is to life. That we have no choice but to settle for mediocre, just because of what society or those close to us think we should be doing with our lives. I am not the only one. Countless others like me have found that sweet spot that I spoke of at the start of this article. It doesn’t have to be quitting your job and moving to another place or even starting your own business. It could simply mean transitioning fields or changing things up in your existing career and redesigning your life. Shifting your perspective in terms of what you really want out of life and defining it clearly in your mind and on paper. And instead of giving less (or more of the same) and expecting more, try giving more for the right rea- sons (from the heart/to truly serve) without expectations. In this way, you will receive abundance in all the ways that count. Carolyn K. Correia is a communications consultant, freelance writer, blogger and motivation- al speaker. https://www.facebook.com/CarolynCorreiaAuthor Choose Your Original PIECES THE art house at paradise 1-(868)-620-8567