56º North March 2018 | Page 6

Auritech reminds riders of tinnitus risks from riding unprotected

Motorcycle riders are risking permanent damage to their hearing by not wearing proper ear protection according to Auritech, one of the leading manufacturers of intelligent hearing protection, but the good news is that specialist earplugs are available to reduce the risk and enhance the riding experience. 

Noise Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) can occur when exposed to long or repeated sounds 85 decibels (dB) or above, with prolonged exposure seriously increasing the risk of tinnitus, a permanent form of ringing in the ears. Riding a motorcycle at motorway speeds regularly exposes the rider to wind noise exceeding the safe level. 

For example, riding at 62mph typically generates a wind noise of 95dB, which can cause permanent damage after 15 minutes, while an increase to 74mph increases the wind noise to 98dB and is harmful after just seven minutes of exposure. The research, carried out by Germany’s ADAC, (Germany’s automobile association) also showed that riding at 140kph (87mph) was harmful after just three minutes. 

Wendy Faulkner, Director of Appia Healthcare, owner of the Auritech brand which specialises in producing filtered ear plugs designed specifically for motorcyclists, explained that specially designed products for motorcyclists can not only reduce harmful noise but enhance both the riding experience and road safety by retaining the sounds required to maintain situational awareness.