56º North December 2017 | Page 8

Planning a Thrill?

TomTom's Ride 450 does the job!

We've tried many navigation systems over the years and map systems on our phones. Each one had its own limitations when used on a bike and with gloves so when the chance to test the Rider 450 from TomTom came up we jumped at it!

Competition in the navigation market is strong and differentiating a product from all the other systems out there is no easy task.

TomTom's Rider 450 replaces the 410 Rider with a revised screen and operating system. The new display can be set up for senstivity based on how you'll use the unit (with thin or thick gloves) but one of the features that we liked the most was the "Plan a Thrill" option.

Plan a Thrill allows the device to define your route based on three levels of ‘twisty’ and ‘hilly’ that you select via the main screen.

Does it work? Yes it does! The North West of Scotland isn't short of great routes but the 450 still found us more. It managed to pick up on some backroads and tracks that we would never have found and whilst it still linked us back on main roads now and again it was great to get out somewhere different a little lost but on route all the way.

The Rider 450 also comes with biker friendly options such as Points of Interest, Nearest Fuel Stops, and 100 of the top routes to ride around the World. It's a 'Bucket-List' on your handle-bars.