45179_towardssaferschoolconstruction_0 2015 | Page 47

Consistent messages about school safety should be conveyed through multiple outreach channels. These may include posters, social media, public events, radio announcements, newspapers, mass leafleting and others. At the same time, it is important to provide journalists and social service representatives with basic information about how hazards in their area can affect the community’s children and their access to education. These individuals are in a good position to raise community-wide concerns and build consensus around the concept of safer schools. • Hold an orientation meeting. As risk communication messages build interest in safer schools, individual school communities need to be oriented to the community-based approach to safer school construction. This orientation can continue the risk awareness messages around hazards and include messages about protecting schools and children’s access to education from these hazards. Program managers should explain how safer schools fit within a Comprehensive School Safety Framework and support a conversation about each stakeholder’s role in safe schools. RESOURCE BOX Communication channels for mobilising communities around safe schools • Community meetings on the need of school safety • Newspaper articles and advertisements • Fliers and pamphlets with earthquake education • Videos of past earthquakes and methods to fix vulnerabilities • Public demonstrations and exhibitions of safety, for example, the shake table demonstration • Fact sheets • Invitations to community meetings • Press releases • Focused training on construction • Hands-on exercises SECTION III: MOBILISATION • Frame the message and convey it to public. Based on the assessment of stakeholder risk awareness, program managers should develop a core set of messages targeting each stakeholder group and their specific role in the community. Messaging to students may focus on their fundamental right to safety and survival. For parents it may be the protection of their children. To tradespeople the m essaging could be around their professional capacity and responsibility to build safer schools. Focus groups can help refine these messages and identify strategic channels through which to share the information. It is important that everyone recognize that they can make a difference as every safety measure does make a difference. • Technology exhibitions • Site visits • Art and other works by students on the topic, including paintings, essays or a quiz. • Disaster safety-themed games for students • Extracurricular activities, like a hazard hunt or mapping games • Student drama performances Conveying messages about hazards and safe school construction can sometimes create more confusion than clarity. When communities are unfamiliar with these concepts and have low literacy levels, cartoons, illustrations and photos are good alternatives to text. However, communities can misunderstand these, so any public outreach material needs to be field-tested. In many cultures simple symbols – like arrows, cartoon thought bubbles and and marks – can be wildly misinterpreted. Communicating Building for Safety by Eric Dudley and Ane Haaland provide humorous examples of miscommunication and good tips for getting safety concepts across in low-literacy contexts. 38