4 GUYS Oct 2016 issue October 2016 issue #2 for 4 Guys Magazine | Page 29

I have been so touched and humbled by the outpouring of kindness and support I have received from readers since the moment of the first episode hit the internet in 2013 . People began to email me from all over the country , and beyond , to share with me their thoughts and ideas about the characters and storylines . I make it a priority to respond to every email that i receive not only because I value the readers ’ feedback , but also because I want my readers to understand that I want to hear from them to reach out to me . I want to hear from them - their ideas , their suggestions , their reviews . and their feedback . In fact , their comments and ideas actually can and do impact the future of the series because I have written some of their suggestions into the series . In short , by contacting me , the readers can actually impact what happens to their favourite characters .
MWS : What ’ s the prognosis for a TV series ? JB : While I am not permitted to share a lot of details publicly yet , I can say that the prognosis is very good . In fact , I ’ d say that fans will be enjoying BOYSTOWN on television in the future !
MWS : What do you think about the state of LGBT entertainment programming options these days ? JB : While we have certainly come a long way , we have a long way to go . I am hoping that BOYSTOWN will be able to expand LGBT television programming and make it even more mainstream .
MWS : Is there anything else you would like to share with 4Guys Magazine readers ? JB : BOYSTOWN is available in paperback , audiobook , and all e-book formats through my website BoystownTheSeries . com as well as on amazon . com , bn . com . and iTunes . Autographed copies of the book are available through my site as well .
I encourage reader and fans to contact me . They may do so by emailing me at Boystown- TheSeries @ yahoo . com , through the website BoystownTheSeries . com , and on Facebook and Twitter (@ Boystown _ series ).