4 Corners May 2018 4 Corners May 2018

4 Corners A Publication of Lauderdale County Schools Volume V Issue 10 May 2018 LCSD Superintendent Retires As I approach the end of my forty-four years in educa- tion, it certainly comes with mixed emotions. One thing I know for sure is that I can’t express enough how much the retirement celebration meant to my family and me. To have my immediate and extended family there made the event even more memorable. The tremendous sup- port from school district employees, parents, students, friends, colleagues, and community members far ex- ceeded my expectations. It has been extremely impor- Randy Hodges, Superintendent tant for me to end things well. As I look back over my successful career, I realize how blessed I have been through the years to be surrounded by such caring and supportive people. Lauderdale County School District has certainly stood the test of time because of its people and I have no doubt that tradition will continue. As this is my Final “4 Corners,” I want to take one last opportunity to stress the impor- tance of public education in Mississippi. We know approximately 90% of children are educated in public schools. As we move ahead, public education will be critical for Mississippi and Lauderdale County in many ways. I hope all of you will take seri- ously the future and continue to be an advocate for the students we serve. I am excited about the next chapter in my life. Again, I thank all of you for what you have meant to me throughout the years. I know Lauderdale County School District will continue to be among the best in the state.