4 Corners March 2018 4 Corners March 2018

4 Corners A Publication of Lauderdale County Schools Volume V Issue 8 March 2018 LCSD - Quality Teachers Equal School Success Spring is always a busy time of year for schools. With athletic events, special programs, :ield trips, and in- creased demands of state testing, schools must be very purposeful in protecting and maximizing instructional time. Teachers play a key role in this. We all know the number one formula for school success is a quality teacher in the classroom. Our district should never lose sight of the fact that our success is due largely to our Randy Hodges, Superintendent teachers. For this reason, they need and deserve support from all administrators, students, parents, and community. I hope you all will take the time to offer a word of encouragement to a teacher. Teachers also feel the enormous pressure of state testing and accountability. We all re- alize the importance of test scores, as they provide an indication of how students and schools are performing and help us to identify areas we need to improve. However, with this increased accountability comes tremendous stress. Add to that the fact that schools across the nation have been forced to deal with con:lict surrounding a wide range of safety and social issues. Teachers are asked to do so much more today than to simply teach. But, through all the challenges, teachers in this district share the be- lief that our students are worth the struggle. Our students deserve the hope of a posi- tive and productive future. So, as we enter this busy time of year, please take the time to show our teachers your appreciation.