4 Corners February 2018 4 Corners February 2018

4 Corners A Publication of Lauderdale County Schools Volume V Issue 7 February 2018 LCSD Thankful for MCC Partnership T he 10th anniversary Lauderdale County/MCC musical could not have been any better. What talent we have in this district! I personally want to thank Dr. Todd Brand, Mrs. Jen- nie House, our Central Office Directors, Dr. Scott Elliott, and the numerous members of the support staff at MCC that helped make last week such a huge success. I also want to thank our students. We all realize the countless hours of preparation and rehearsals it takes to produce a musical of this level and quality. Finally, thank you to our principals for ensuring students had the opportunity to attend last week. Randy Hodges, Superintendent For the first time since the beginning of this tradition, stu- dents from Kindergarten through 12th grade were in attendance. It was a record setting year and we are already looking forward to next year’s production. The LCSD/MCC partnership is one of the bright spots for this district and separates us from others. The opportunities our stu- dents receive as a result of this production each year are many. In light of recent events in Florida, I want us to remember the students, teachers, adminis- trators, parents, and first responders that were involved in this horrific event. As much as we would like for the sole focus of school to be on preparing students for college and/or the work- force, the events in Florida remind us of the bigger world we live in. Schools have a huge re- sponsibility for the safety and well-being of students and must take all threats serious. As the students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School speak out, we must listen and find solu- tions to ensure students feel safe and secure in our schools and classrooms. The events in Parkland serve as a firm reminder of the fact that it is a new day in education. It is critical that schools and districts be proactive in looking at ways to ensure students are protected.