3rd Eye Watch July Edition 3rd Eye Watch July Edition | Page 21

TREAT YOURSELF TO A DAY OF RELAXATION AT THE MIND BODY & SOUL FOOD BUFFET OF HEALING Early registration by August 1st: $75 ~ After August 1st Registration: $99 For more information go to: https:// www.facebook.com/events/661983607170312/? ref_dashboard_filter=upcoming or Contact Tonya Parker at [email protected] To make a cash, check, PayPal or credit card payments click: http:// events.constantcontact.com/register/event? llr=qfacapcab&oeidk=a07e9egk9i9e5e6d4dd to PAY NOW! They speak of Love & Oneness, but how deep is this Love & Oneness? How pervasive is this ideal when it comes to the inclusion of all of humanity, no matter their station in life. When we speak of Conscious Awareness are we really consciously aware that there is so much work that needs to be done in our individual world, that a worldwide revolution will never happen as long as the personal one hasn't taken place. Can we truly unplug? OR AT LEAST, CAN WE DO AS MUCH UNPLUGGING AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE GIVEN THE FACT THAT WE ARE HOGTIED TO THE MODERN WORLD? By Nana Baakan Agyiriwah