3rd Eye Watch July Edition 3rd Eye Watch July Edition | Page 18

Spiritual Cleansing 101 By Intuitive Spiritualist Torrie C Meditation is one of the main keys in unlocking infinite knowledge and wealth within ourselves. Focusing on all and nothing can be a bliss beyond compare once experienced. Too often, many are afraid of what they’ll unlock inside their own hearts. Riddled with deep seated guilt, hurt, pain and fear. Let’s not also forget the narrow perspectives placed around this practice pledged by Western civilization, that continues to perpetuate some form of ignorance that seems to appeal to the masses. Meditation provides each individual the opportunity to know themselves on a deeper level and to step a little closer to the infinite God power within us. In the Bible, it is written that,“The Word Was Made Flesh.” With that in mind we are extensions of the word of God. Our Highest power lies deep inside the mystic realms of our soul and is unlocked when the initial desire of peace is required in one’s life on earth. Will and desire play a major role in connecting to our higher power within. Once that connection is recognized and made, meditation is implemented in various ways to access that oneness within us all. One may feel lost when first starting the process of meditation, but have no fear. There are steps and guides that are helpful in this practice. Before you know it, you’ll be off and on your own way. If I can leave you with a few suggestions before embarking on your soulful journey, it would be to “pack light.” That means, never meditate on a full stomach. In fact, work towards fasting before initiating this process. Eliminate a meat-based diet and/or cut down on the meat intake. This will allow your body to get rid of toxic build-up that resides in a lot of red meat products. Also make sure that you drink plenty of water and stay away from a lot of processed foods, foods that harvest GMO’s and other by-products that are harmful to the body. If you can maintain this type of diet for at least three days a week and slowly move yourself into a more proactive pace, your mind, body, and soul will start to feel the difference during each meditation session. Another point of reference is to pace yourself. Start off meditating for at least twice a week for 5-10 minutes. As you become more familiar with the process, you will take a more active approach to your weekly practice. To further help your attempts at beginning a renewed life, here are video links to help you understand “The How To’s Of Meditation.” Until next time...Namaste http://youtu.be/oeIxp6nB2bM http://youtu.be/hLvU7ppM4vE http://youtu.be/IKHSvIUlsrw