32Gi Triathlon Fuel Guide | Page 7

By this I mean don ’ t overdo the protein , eat according to your requirements . Opt for proteins which are easily digestible and measurable with fat intake . Protein such as chicken , turkey , fish and eggs and lean red meats generally keep the digestive system happier . Vegetable proteins such as pea and hemp are also excellent protein sources . Red meat is 100 % fine as long as you are used to this type of eating . Keep the preparation clean and preferably keep dressings to an unprocessed form . Simple things like lemon juice are good enough to cook chicken in to give it a nice flavour and texture .
Fats Fats are so critical to any diet . They are an incredible source of fuel , and the only reason to keep fat intake very low is if your carb intake is very high . Try to get some good fats into the diet , Omega-3 ’ s such as salmon , tuna , sardines , pilchards as well as the vegetable forms of flax and chia seeds make for nutrient dense good foods . One of the things we advocate in taper weeks is to up the MCT ’ s ( medium chain triglycerides ) intake . They are fats that are not stored but more utilized as a source of energy and these are the types of fats you want in your system during a long endurance event to help assist in increasing the energy expenditure coming from fat . Coconut oil is a firm favorite or any MCT extract you can find .
Hydration I cannot stress enough the amount of fluid you should be consuming on a daily basis especially in the taper period . Try to aim for 30ml ’ s – 40ml ’ s per a kg of bodyweight , it might sound like a lot of fluid but it ’ s not at all . If you want to ensure you arrive at race day properly hydrated , in good health , topped energy levels and on top of the world then put some focus onto your fluid intake . Whether in the form of water or herbal teas both are perfectly fine . If you are thinking in the form of fruit juice and coffee then reconsider . If you are wanting a flavoured water , take a ¼ grapefruit and squeeze it into a liter of water , or a lime would be perfect . Sugar in fruit is very high and a fruit juice is just loaded with sugar . As for coffee check out the next section .
The Caffeine Effect Caffeine can be a benefit or drawback . Caffeine is a mild stimulant that occurs naturally in a variety of plant species . There are people who view caffeine as a useful stimulant that increases ones concentration and awareness as well as many other physical traits . The important thing to remember is that caffeine affects each and every individual very differently depending on the amount consumed , the frequency of consumption , and a person ’ s individual tolerance levels .
Let ’ s get to the facts . Scientific proof of caffeine and sports performance is actually inconclusive and it ’ s not shown to improve performance . In actual fact no health claims to this extent are allowed in European Health Claims for food legislation . However there are some advantages that caffeine has which I will go into a little bit of detail shortly . One thing to remember though and this is from a health perspective . Caffeine is a stimulant and it does have addictive properties . In a healthy diet your consumption should be limited and health professionals will recommend around 0-7 cups of coffee a week as a limit . Unfortunately the majority of people consume a much larger amount . One thing is certain caffeine does stimulate and it plays with one ’ s emotional and energy stability . Stimulant drinks such as coffee are also known to be one of the biggest role players in a person gaining weight and affecting emotional stability .