30dac Magazine Issue 01 September 2014 | Page 93


Round three - I was so excited we started again; I really felt we were a group. I also felt great joy in encouraging others! I didn’t participate a lot, but every now and then I stopped by and took a lot at what was made.

The Shift...

Round four - Looking back on the last round, I have felt major changes in myself. Now I could really relate to what was said in the beginning about the purpose of the group. I have never been very disciplined in what I do. Yet, now, I want to create something every day! My body responds when I don’t. It gets restless if I don’t express myself.

Another big change was the letting go of Not Being Good Enough. I cared less if somebody didn’t like what I made…I did it for the fun of it, for the process, the journey. The Outcome didn’t really matter.

More change: the more confident I got, the more compelled I felt screaming at others: “Go on! Go Forth! Create! Play! Experiment! So the cheering on is a huge part of who I am. Reading about how people got to something, why, and the effort they made…It should not be forgotten! It is so important!

Also: I felt patience, no more rushing to finish something, but just trying out different things. In that patience I can feel something takes over. When I let go of all my judgements, one merely becomes an instrument to express energy.

And more: 30dac and all of the Art that is made here and the connection the participants have (which is another miracle really) is very comforting for my well being. Coming here in times of great emotions, changes have been very soothing for me. Here I feel at home. Here I feel consolation and joy. I feel privileged to be part of an amazing platform in this period of my life. have such appreciation for Lee Ann and this brilliant idea of starting 30dac! Thank you so much Lee Ann!

Nicolette Moes
