30dac Magazine Issue 01 September 2014 | Page 307



I have long wanted to tango.

The twists and turns of legs slicing into each other’s spaces

While heads held close never look into each other’s faces

Passion banked; a fury restrained

For a later time, meant to be maintained

Over all time. A passion

That does not die with youth--

A romance of minds which each seek beauty and truth--

I have longed for this.

And you sent me

A tango. A song whose words urge courage

To risk flight like baby birds

In pursuit of love

With reminders of awareness of time

A song of tender restraint, a request to abandon

Caution with still mighty hopes not to frighten

The listener.

There are no butterflies, though;

Just matter-of-fact, mindly sexual wonder:

That I lived to see a man such as you

Before going under.

My Response To A Man I Love Sending Me Hindi Zahra’s Live “Beautiful Tango”

by Nzingha