30dac Magazine Issue 01 September 2014 | Page 304

Hell is other people.

Dad told me that.

They smile and send me good vibes.

But they make me wear a timekeeping hat.

People think of themselves—

Never as much as they think of you

They don’t grasp how much my soul delves

Into solitude

To find beauty, richness, and complexity too.

All day I work with people

People who came to work to lime,

Students who came to school to mate,

Courtship dancing all the time,

With their earrings and short skirts and gun-mouth pants

And accessories multifarious for what should be uniform,

And for their should-be gurus,

(Instead of creative consultation during off-hours)

Football and office gossip is the norm.

Hell is other people.

No matter how much they smile.

Unless you can get them to help you

They just don’t make themselves worth your while.

Disappointingly irrational

Inconsistent too many times

Whether in grammar or in philosophy

Reminding you less of sapodillas

And more of bright green limes—

In taste, not nutritional value—

Making you love solitude

Making you bear socialization

As if it is punishment for your hidden crimes.

If I hadn’t blasphemed against my holy spirit,

The unforgivable sin,

I would be great, great enough not to need as many people

Great enough to enter in

To the heaven known by folks who live like fictitious Bruce Wayne

Surrounded only by persons of whose value they are sure

Able to purchase a moat of separation

From the others

Whose behaviour makes them a bane

To individual fulfillment and achievement.

Hell is other people. True, though it might be a shame.

Hell Is Other People

by Nzingha