30dac Magazine Issue 01 September 2014 | Page 12

Jeanne berry

My creativity is expressed in many ways: through dyeing yarn and fabric; through knitting and weaving; through painting, drawing and Zentangle®; through writing; and through music. I’m not known to be loyal to any one medium—why limit myself, when there is so much joy to be found in every one of them?

Regarding my formal background, I have a BFA in Graphic Design with an unofficial dual minor in Painting and Fibers. I’ve worked in print production, as a freelancer, and for various design firms in my home area. My musical adventures took me across the country; with this behind me, I’m once again living in the house in which I grew up. I’m the personal servant to five cats and one horse, and I’m currently employed as a University departmental secretary. There may be a graduate degree in my future.

Why did you join 30dac?

When I found out about 30dac, I was intrigued. I’ve participated in NaNoWriMo on three occasions, winning twice, and found that the experience of attempting to write 50,000 words in a 30-day timeframe to be about more than just writing. The process triggered procrastination blocks and brought up other limiting beliefs that I quickly realized had been getting in the way of my creative process (as a writer) for many years. I overcame many of them and felt a profound sense of growth and triumph when I completed 50,000 words within the two weeks I had left (once I kicked procrastination in its ass).

My feeling was that 30dac would be a similar setting, but for my visual art. I was right. These challenges are always about more than just making art or showing off the latest work—they are about making artists (and writers and so on). They are about forcing ourselves to confront the Self As Artist and see clearly the reasons why we make art and the reasons why we procrastinate about making art or deny ourselves the making of art. They are about getting to the bottom of the Soul of the Artist as well as the Soul of the Art, and forging a gentle yet firm connection that finally allows Art to be birthed safely and authentically.

United States