30dac Magazine Issue 01 September 2014 | Page 106

Nell-Lynn perera

I am not who I appear to be.

I am all that and more.

If you met me, you can’t help but like me.

I am very much like each of you.

At best, I’d describe myself using a friend’s description of me;

‘Sociable isolator ‘ (sounds like a gadget I know).

I rather be utterly bored than be with company that bores me.

I am woman and man.

I am child and woman.

I am.


Why did you join 30dac?

I’ve always been amused by this:

My perception or beliefs are shown in time that they weren’t true. Not entirely. Sometimes, so far fetched I can’t wait for the truth to be revealed. I wait eagerly for this ‘showing’ to come forth while most people might prefer to be proven right, I am the opposite.

I joined the 30dac to instill discipline in myself. I wanted to prove to myself that I am capable of producing work on a daily basis regardless of how I was feeling like how I saw other people churning work on a daily basis. I wanted to be a windmill instead of a fan. That

was how I operated in the past, based on my feelings. Even more challenging was the fact that I challenged myself to produce work based on feelings regardless of my feelings.

I wanted to try my hand at different things. I sought expansion. growth.

I wanted to be among a group of people who were understanding, not supportive, but understanding without me having to get into lengthy explanations - ‘birds of a feather flock together’. This explains why I’ve hardly ever written a description about my daily submissions even though I knew it was expected of me. I appreciated not being questioned why they weren’t