2AO Nation Issue 2, August 2014 | Page 16

Don't Get to


Kevin Griffin

Why carrying a firearm legally in defense of yourself and your loved ones should be a bit uncomfortable.

Everyday we all wake up; many of us are fortunate enough to not need the alarm clock to jolt us awake to begin our daily routine. The key there is routine. The thing about routine is precisely what I want you start thinking about. While we are in our daily preparation routine we are in auto mode. For me I have a daily process that I too go about without much thought and like so many others a few minutes here and there changes my pace. Now, you are probably asking yourself what exactly does my daily (or your daily) routine have to do with firearms? Actually, a lot!

Carrying a firearm for personal protection is our right, and our right to bear arms is under perpetual attack. Responsible and law abiding citizens that choose to legally carry a firearm are held to a higher standard. To meet that standard we owe it to ourselves, our families, communities and the firearms community overall to carry legally in a safe and sensible manner.

Think back to your first day or even days as an armed citizen. Getting prepared each day presented a new challenge. Suddenly your wardrobe had to accommodate a holster, a firearm, a spare magazine or two and perhaps a flashlight. Your routine was very different. Your comfort level was at the very least adjusted. Suddenly everything you did, from tying your shoes to sitting in your car reminded you that this small yet powerful inanimate object was strapped to your body or in your purse. Muscle memory is great thing. Eventually your routine adapted to the addition of the firearm and accessories. Carrying a firearm became as routine as tying your shoes. Sitting in your car with your firearm became comfortable. Like a new pair of shoes, the novelty evaporated.

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