247 Ink Magazine (August/September) 2017 Issue#16 | Page 98

out. We’re doing it our own way. We’re climbing the ladder and we’re going to keep climbing. That’s been the result of how we grew up. From the begin- ning you seem like you’ve had a strong message that’s been set from your ideals and values. How has your music contin- ued to mature from the inception of the band to now? AR: When I came to the band it was a lot more rock. As the band matured we’ve been able to successfully introduce a lot more hip hop, trap and even things the deejays are doing. The whole thing is just evolving at a fast pace. We’re very present to our surrounding; our music is very pres- ent. We’re not just making things that the world is not going to listen to. SL: I think the music has matured by us being more vulnerable. Under- standing that music is not just a bunch of notes. It’s a feeling, it’s a pas- sion. A lot of musicians think that music theory is the pathway to success. They don’t realize that the connection between people and actually going on stage and actually feeling those notes. Getting that energy out of your system and into the crowd. That’s what makes the music as powerful as it is. In the beginning I felt like Quantum Split was thinking in their heads a lot, including myself. We thought a lot that this is what people want to hear; A minor scale or whatever it is. Arpeggios and different beat pat- terns; it was all about the technical parts of the music and not the pas- sion. Sometimes I’ve played my guitar and had no idea what I was play- ing. Sometimes Adrian plays and he’s going crazy then he’s like “How did 96