245 - Okemos Public Schools v1 | Page 6

6 F. G. H. I. and certify that they understand the athletic eligibility rules, code of conduct and policies of the school district. This signed consent form will be filed  in  the  athletic  director’s  office. Insurance The school district does not carry insurance to cover student athletic injuries. Parents will need to sign the reverse side of the physical card stating they have purchased insurance, possess a family insurance plan or sign a waiver. Scholastic eligibility In order to participate on an Okemos athletic team, each athlete must have satisfied all of the scholastic eligibility requirements of the MHSAA prior to participation. Informed consent By its nature, participation in interscholastic athletics includes risk of injury that may range in severity. Although serious injuries are not common in supervised school athletic programs, it is impossible to eliminate the risk. Participants have the responsibility to help reduce the chance of injury. Players must obey all safety rules, report all physical problems to their coaches, follow a proper conditioning program, and inspect their own equipment daily. Equipment and other financial obligations 1. School issued uniforms, warm-ups and equipment - All athletes are responsible for the proper care and security of equipment issued to them. School-furnished equipment is to be worn only for contests and practice. All equipment not returned in good condition at the end of the season will be subject to a financial penalty. 2. Athlete purchased uniforms - In some cases, athletes will be required to purchase a portion of the game uniform, which will become their property. 3. All athletes will be required to purchase various pieces of sport specific equipment. Examples include but are not limited to: shoes, cleats, socks, various gloves, practice jerseys, etc. All athlete-supplied equipment will become the property of the athlete. Note: Okemos athletics are for everyone. If financial conditions exist that make it difficult for a team member to purchase mandatory equipment, uniforms or warm-ups, please contact the athletic office so that confidential arrangements can be made to supply such equipment, uniforms or warm-ups. V. Okemos Athletic Department Procedure and Guidelines A. Parent/Coach Communication: Both parenting and coaching are laborious and complicated roles that adults assume in the successful functioning of the Okemos High School athletic program. By establishing an acceptance and an understanding of each role, as well as a vehicle for positive communication, we are better able to create a healthy athletic environment and provide greater benefit to the student-athlete. When your children choose to become involved in the Okemos athletic program, as parents, you have a right to understand what expectations are placed on your child. This begins with clear communication  from  the  coach  of  your  child’s  team. 1. Communication a parent can expect from the coach. a. Basic philosophy of the coach. b. Expectations the coach has for your child as well as all the players on the team.