245 - Okemos Public Schools v1 | Page 20

20 CONCUSSION DANGER SIGNS: In rare cases, a dangerous blood clot may form on the brain in a person with a concussion and crowd the brain against the skull. A student should receive immediate medical attention if after a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body s/he exhibits any of the following danger signs: One pupil larger than the other Is drowsy or cannot be awakened A headache that gets worse Weakness, numbness, or decreased coordination Repeated vomiting or nausea Slurred speech Convulsions or seizures Cannot recognize people/places Becomes increasingly confused, restless or agitated Has unusual behavior Loses consciousness (even a brief loss of consciousness should be taken seriously.)HOW TO RESPOND TO A REPORT OF A CONCUSSION: If a student reports one or more symptoms of a concussion after a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body, s/he should be kept out of athletic play the day of the injury. The student should only return to play with permission from a health care professional experienced in evaluating for concussion. During recovery, rest is key. Exercising or activities that involve a lot of concentration (such as studying, working on the computer, or playing video games) may cause concussion symptoms to reappear or get worse. Students who return to school after a concussion may need to spend fewer hours at school, take rests breaks, be given extra help and time, spend less time reading, writing or on a computer. After a concussion, returning to sports and school is a gradual process that should be monitored by a health care professional. Remember: Concussion affects people differently. While most students with a concussion recover quickly and fully, some will have symptoms that last for days, or even weeks. A more serious concussion can last for months or longer. To learn more, go to www.cdc.gov/concussion.