245 - Okemos Public Schools v1 | Page 13

13 Example: An athlete who participates on a Fall athletic team violates the Athletic Code   during   that  team’s   season, e.g. sometime between the first day of practice (including tryouts) for the team on which the athlete participates until the postseason awards night for that team. The appropriate "in-season" penalty will apply to that student. 2) "Off-season" is any time period which does not meet the definition of "in-season" and is between the first day of practice (including tryouts) for any Fall sports team and the conclusion of the 6th hour final examination period of the Spring semester. Example: A student who only participates on a Spring athletic team violates the Athletic Code in November of that academic year. The appropriate "off-season" penalty will apply to that student. 3) Overlapping Seasons: If two sports overlap (e.g., fall/winter or winter/spring), an athlete who is participating on a team during the current sports season shall also be a participant on the first day of tryouts or practice for the upcoming sports season. A violation of the Athletic Code which occurs during the overlap of two seasons will have the penalty apply to the upcoming sports season. "Overlap" only applies to where all competition for the current sports season has been completed, but the athletic awards banquet has not been held. "Overlap" does not apply if the current sports team continues competition. Although the athlete will be eligible to receive any athletic award(s) f ܈H