21st Century Thought January 2014 | Page 9


The Philosopy and Aesthetics Behind the Brand

Hermes is a French manufacturer of quality goods established in 1837, and today specializes in leather, ice style accessories, perfumery, luxury goods and ready to wear. The iconic logo since the 1950s is that of a Duc carriage with horse.

Known for their expert craftsman especially in the realms of leather and silk, where the creation and production of handbags take many hours of work ad many if not all are hand crafted in atelier's in France.

Socially the patrons of this atelier purchase these exquisit and highly artistic for the personal gratification it gives them as well as to atively and passively denote their finalcial and econmc social stnding. With the philosophial ideologies associated with this brand incldue the lak of need for these items. The creation of a desire is one of the primary purposes of the retail and luxury industry as a whole, from here we see that the patrons of this maison accept the facts that we live in a material world, and are material creatures.

We are sensorial creatures, who use our sense of feeling and touch to experience the world around us. With fashion acting as part of experiencing the material time that we have on earth. It really does add beauty and quality to our lives.

I believe Hermes is one of the greatest primary examples that appeal to this sense of beauty and quality extending from out material nature.