2019 Student Handbook - Welcome 44706vc_student_handbook_ebrochure_2019_FULL_2 | Page 26

REMARK OF A STUDENT’S SCRIPT After the marking process has been completed and the mark is disputed, even if no error is picked up, you may request a remark within five working days at a cost of R250 per script. SUPPLEMENTARY EXAM A contact undergraduate student who receives a minimum of 30% for a summative assessment for all full qualification modules is permitted a second opportunity to write the examination (known as a supplementary examination (SUP)) or resubmit the summative assessment if it is a portfolio or practical. The cost of a supplementary exam is R500. SPECIAL EXAM Special examinations are for undergraduate students who have only two modules outstanding that prevent them from graduating. All special examinations take place in the third sitting. The cost of a special exam is R500. STUDENT CARD REPLACEMENT If you misplace your student card which your identification card and access to campus, you will need to replace it at a cost of R50. No student card, no access. CERTIFICATE REPRINT Should you misplace your qualification, you may request a reprint at a cost of R400. PREV. PAGE 5 26 27 NEXT PAGE