2019 RainForest ArtLink Teacher's Guidelines PT 2019+Rainforest+ArtLink+English (Translated to PT) | Page 64

III. National Academic and Common Core Standards Grade Level US Academic Standards Grade 5 LESSON 1: Common Core State Standards CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.5.2: Determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.5.4: Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 5 topic or subject area. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.5.3: Explain the relationships or interactions between two or more individuals, events, ideas, or concepts in a historical, scientific, or technical text based on specific information in the text. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.5.1: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.5.1.C: Pose and respond to specific questions by making comments that contribute to the discussion and elaborate on the remarks of others. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.5.2.D: Use precise language and domain-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain the topic. LESSON 2: Common Core State Standards CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.5.1.C: Pose and respond to specific questions by making comments that contribute to the discussion and elaborate on the remarks of others. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.5.1.A: Introduce a topic or text clearly, state an opinion, and create an organizational structure in which ideas are logically grouped to support the writer's purpose. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.5.2: Summarize a written text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and formats, including visually, quantitatively, and orally. National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies NCSSS: Compare ways in which people from different cultures think about and deal with their physical environment and social conditions. NCSS: Give examples and describe the importance of cultural unity and diversity within and across groups. National Core Visual Arts Standards VA:Re7.2.5: Identify and analyze cultural associations suggested by visual imagery. VA:Re8.1.5: Interpret art by analyzing characteristics of form and structure, contextual information, subject matter, visual elements, and use of media to identify ideas and mood conveyed. LESSON 3: Common Core State Standards CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.W.5.2.B: Develop the topic with facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or other information and examples related to the topic. National Core Visual Arts Standards VA:Cr1.1.5: Combine ideas to generate an innovative idea for art-making. VA:Cr2.1.4: Explore and invent art-making techniques and approaches. VA:Cr1.2.5: Identify and demonstrate diverse methods of artistic investigation to choose an approach for beginning a work of art VA:Cr2.1.5: Experiment and develop skills in multiple art-making techniques and approaches through practice. VA:Cr2.3.5: Identify, describe, and visually document places and/or objects of personal significance. VA:Cr3.1.5: Create artist statements using art vocabulary to describe personal choices in art-making. National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies NCSS: Explore factors that contribute to one’s personal identity such as interests, capabilities, and perceptions. LESSON 4: Common Core State Standards CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.5.1: Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.5.2: Determine two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details; summarize the text. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.5.5: Compare and contrast the overall structure (e.g., chronology, comparison, cause/effect, problem/solution) of events, ideas, concepts, or information in two or more texts. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RI.5.6: Analyze multiple accounts of the same event or topic, noting important similarities and differences in the point of view they represent. National Core Visual Arts Standards VA:Re7.1.5: Compare one's own interpretation of a work of art with the interpretation of others. VA:Re7.2.5: Identify and analyze cultural associations suggested by visual imagery. VA:Re8.1.5: Interpret art by analyzing characteristics of form and structure, contextual information, subject matter, visual elements, and use of media to identify ideas and mood conveyed. VA:Re9.1.5: Recognize differences in criteria used to evaluate works of art depending on styles, genres, and media as well as historical and cultural contexts. VA:Cn10.1.5: Apply formal and conceptual vocabularies of art and design to view surroundings in new ways through art-making. National Curriculum Standards for Social Studies NCSS: Explore and describe similarities and differences in the ways groups, societies, and cultures address similar human needs. Voltar ao Sumário Programa Rainforest ArtLink 2019 “Herança" Pág. 64