2019 Let's create a book! | Page 72



Mick woke up in cold sweat. He had a nightmare. Since he was thirsty, he decided to go to the kitchen. The room had a very strong cinnamon scent. “Again”, thought Mick and rushed to grab a glass of water as his heart was beating quickly. Suddenly something rang. Mick didn’t react for a minute, but then he realized that it was the bell. He walked towards the door to see who could be there at night…

I never loved someone from the bottom of my heart, so that unexpected moment broke my heart into very little pieces. Although my love was destroyed I still wanted her to remember me. I stole the bell and gave it to her no matter what consequences it might have had.” Alice started to realize everything in her minds. “Noel, I see she was really important to you. I‘m sorry “. Having finished the story, he apologized for taking their time, took all of his stuff and left quietly . No-one of the family members noticed that.