2019 Campaign Corner Issue XVIII – 2019 | Page 6

Campaign Tips:

- Be equally kind to everyone! Do not only target state officers when campaigning, approach everyone and make good impressions. Every JCLer is equally important.

- Look confident, be confident.

- Make sure your state is well versed on your platform. Encourage them to help spread the word about you and your goals since you can’t be at every Convention event during campaigning. This is super important!

- Get to know your opponent and their platform. You could be asked about their platform and how you are different from them during Open Forum or Meet the Candidates.

- Use at least one social media platform to broadcast your goals and experience. Have that link/handle ready to go while campaigning - sometimes people won’t remember what you say and this is a great tool.

- Read all of the campaign material rules before you start making your materials.

Advice for Prospective Officers:

- Ask for help when you need it! Your mentors have done JCL work for quite some time are more than willing to help you with your questions or if you are unsure about anything. With that said, do not be afraid to lean on your fellow officers when times get tough.

- Love your board!

- Allow opportunities for state officers and local officers to connect with you. There is most likely someone out there who needs advice but is too afraid to ask you directly.

- Set up a calendar/time line with all of your deadlines. They can really pile up!

- Put your best effort into everything that you do (writing emails, writing agendas, hosting meetings, communicating with JCLers, etc.,) because you are apart of NJCL history and you are acting to add another successful year to the books.

The most important thing to know as a prospective candidate for your office:

Do not forget that part of being an officer is maintaining all of the duties that are already set in place for you and not just introducing new ones. The duties that already exist are of utmost importance!

Advice for the Office of President


Natasha Panduwawala / 2018 - 2019 / NJCL President