2019 Campaign Corner Issue XVIII – 2019 | Page 15

Different ideas for your campaigns:

- It may be wise to avoid stickers. Candidates will be held responsible for any violation of the campaign regulations (including the misplacement of stickers). It is hard to control where people place them. Alternatives might be name tag inserts, tags to hang on name tags, etc.

- Use brochures, pamphlets, social media, websites etc. to outline your platform and campaign.

- In place of signs outdoors, try having a friend wear information on their shirt or wear a giant campaign sign while parading around campus.



After the election, a former candidate may appear on stage at any time.

Candidates may not spend over $50 on campaign materials. Candidates must keep all receipts for campaign materials and turn them in to the NJCL parliamentarian at the end of the Nominations Committee Meeting.

Failure to comply with the campaigning regulations, which are outlined above, will result in disqualification. The NJCL parliamentarian and the National Committee have the authority to dispose of campaign materials which violate regulations or which are determined inappropriate/harmful in any way.

N.B. All social media, websites, and campaigning via the online platforms must comply with all regulations concerning decency and pre campaigning.

Additional campaigning guidelines may be found in the NJCL Constitution and Bylaws on the NJCL website. Candidates are only allowed to tell the delegates from their state or province, their state or provincial chairs, and their local sponsors about their participation in the election. Candidates are not only responsible for their own actions with regards to precampaigning, but the actions of any person who was told this information as well. Campaigning may not start until after Nominations Committee Meeting.

N.B. All campaign regulations outlined in this Campaign Corner are subject to change as National Convention approaches. Further discussion with the University may result in policy changes. The national parliamentarian, Layla Fistos, will send an update to all candidates regarding any changes.