2019 Campaign Corner Issue XVIII – 2019 | Page 14

Campaigning Rules and Regulations per NDSU facilities in addition to those outlined in the Bylaws:

Sidewalk chalk is prohibited throughout the entire campus. No vulgar or offensive language may be used throughout campaign materials and campaigns.

Cafeteria (RDC Glass Dining Room): Fliers are allowed on the bulletin board outside of the RDC. Stickers, which are to be worn on clothing only, may be distributed within the premises. Stickers may not be stuck to any surface such as tables, chairs, napkin inserts, walls, and any NDSU property.

Dorms: Posters and fliers are allowed (all sizes) to be posted with painters tape only (this includes on empty bulletin boards throughout the building). If posting any material on the doors to the dorm rooms, you may only cover 25% of the door. Stickers may be worn and distributed within the premises. However, stickers may not be stuck to any surface such as tables, chairs, walls, or any NDSU property.

Academic Buildings: The only places campaign materials are allowed are the cork strips and bulletin boards. No campaign materials may be taped on walls.

FargoDome: Campaign materials may be posted on any walls as long as they are taped to them with wrestling mat tape. Do not use any other kind of tape, and do not cover any preexisting signs.

Wellness Center: Campaigning in the Wellness Center is prohibited due to property damage concerns from the University.

Memorial Union: Designated campaigning flex screens will be available within the Legacy Lounge for candidates to hang campaigning material on until the morning of Meet the Candidates. This is the only place you may hang any campaign material within the Memorial Union.

Outdoor Areas: No signs may be placed in the ground using stakes. No signs may be placed on any outdoor surfaces with any form of adhesive (tape, staples, glue, etc.). No stickers may be distributed in outdoor areas. Only foldable, yard-type signs are allowed in the following designated areas: (a list will be provided by the University) The NJCL parliamentarian will send a list out regarding this information to all of the candidates.

Music Education Hall: Campaigning in the Music Education Hall is prohibited due to property damage concerns from the University.

The guidelines above are specific to NDSU campus and are instrumental in maintaining a cordial relationship between the University and NJCL.

Before the election, candidates may not appear on stage at any time during a general assembly unless it is part of the electoral process. Exceptions are:

1.) If the candidate is the only delegate from his or her state or province, he or she may appear in roll call.

2.) If he or she is receiving a personal award

After the elections, a former candidate may appear on stage at any event.

Candidates may not spend over $50 on campaign materials. Candidates must keep all receipts for campaign materials and turn them in to the NJCL parliamentarian at the end of the Nominations Committee Meeting.

Failure to comply with the campaigning regulations, which are outlined above and have been communicated to the candidates by the Parliamentarian, will result in disqualification. The NJCL parliamentarian and the National Committee have the authority to dispose of campaign materials which violate regulations or which are determined inappropriate/harmful in any way.

N.B. All social media, websites, and campaigning via the online platforms must comply with all regulations concerning decency and pre campaigning.
