2019 Awareness Day Final Report 2019_ADay_FinaReport_FINAL_pages | Page 7

ABOVE: Stark County Mental Health & Addiction Recovery (StarkMHAR) designed creative ways to engage their community in suicide prevention. Here, a young adult takes a selfie in front of the #STIGMASQUASHER selfie station. Suicide Prevention Approaches in Local Systems of Care Systems of care provide a spectrum of family-driven, youth-guided, culturally and linguistically competent, and community- and evidence-based services and supports for children and youth with or at risk for mental health or other challenges. Systems of care work and can make a difference in preventing suicide among children and youth using evidence-based practices. But what does that look and feel like? Leveraging the power of visuals, SAMHSA created a video to showcase how four SAMHSA- funded system of care grantees are working to prevent suicide among youth in their communities. At this year’s Awareness Day, SAMHSA highlighted communities that were leading efforts in suicide prevention. The audience heard from systems of care across the country about how they provide suicide prevention services and supports for children, youth, young adults, and their families. CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO Suicide Prevention Approaches in Local Systems of Care SUICIDE PREVENTION: STRATEGIES THAT WORK 7